Sunday, March 4, 2012

Android Project Folders

In this tutorial, you will learn what each folder in an android project are used for.

  • src
    • This folder holds your source files
    • Packages are listed under the source folder. there can be more than one package per project
  • gen
    • This folder holds generated resource files
    • R.Java is a resource folder that holds references to resources
    • Do not modify these files, they are created automatically
  • assets
    • This folder holds raw data files
  • bin
    • This folder holds compiled bytecode
    • Do not modify this folder
  • res
    • The subdirectories of this folder hold your project's resources
    • for folders that are not visible, right click on this folder and click New > Folder
  • res/anim (not visible)
    • This folder holds XML files describing transitions
  • res/drawable (not visible)
    • This folder holds images with no specific screen density
  • res/drawable-hdpi
    • This folder holds high resolution images
  • res/drawable-ldpi
    • This folder holds low resolution images
  • res/drawable-mdpi
    • This folder holds medium (normal) resolution images
  • res/drawable-xhdpi (not visible)
    • This folder holds extra-high resolution images
  • res/layout
    • This folder holds layout XML files
  • res/layout-land (not visible)
    • This folder holds layout XML files for landscape layouts
  • res/values
    • This folder holds data XML files

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